
Democracy in the United States of America remains at risk.

According to a 2022 report by the nonpartisan nonprofit Freedom House, “As foreign autocrats resort to increasingly brazen forms of repression to entrench themselves in office and support authoritarian influences around the world, undemocratic forces in the United States have engaged in their own efforts to undermine institutions that are designed to check their power and protect the rights of all Americans … Amid a 16-year decline in global freedom, democracy in the United States has suffered serious erosion. The U.S. score in Freedom in the World fell by 11 points on a 100-point scale in the decade from 2010 to 2020, with an accelerated deterioration of 6 points during the presidency of Donald Trump.” Freedom House lists a number of critical problems that remain unaddressed by U.S. politicians, including “legislative dysfunction, partisan gerrymandering, the excessive influence of special interests in politics, ongoing racial discrimination, and the spread of polarization and disinformation in the media environment.” The nonprofit adds, “A more troubling trend has been the dramatic shift in Americans’ perceptions of acceptable political behavior over the past several years, and an increased willingness to sacrifice democratic institutions for the sake of partisan gain. More extreme actors—in politics and society—could build on the sorts of transgressions Trump and others have helped to normalize and cause even greater damage.”

Blue Independence believes it is time for a peaceful Plan B to preserve and expand democracy.

Blue Independence believes that “Blue” states should take the lead in promoting, preserving and expanding democracy. We can see the beginnings of such a campaign in Vice President Kamala’s Harris’ June 2022 meeting with Democratic attorneys general from seven states (NY, CA, WA, DE, IL, NV, WI) to discuss alternative means of protecting women’s reproductive rights in the wake of the Supreme Court’s repeal of Roe v. Wade. But much more can be done…

Blue states should seize this moment to amend their constitutions to be more democratic and egalitarian than ever. New provisions could include a guaranteed right to vote; a right to public safety (freedom from gun violence); environmental protections; a total ban on the use of private money in political campaigns; and explicit guarantees for racial equality, women’s reproductive rights, and gay marriage. Such transformational changes to restore power to the People could be achieved quickly—in a matter of years—rather than generations.

It is also time for Blue states to develop contingency plans for an authoritarian takeover of the U.S. federal government. Blue (and Purple) state governors need to be talking to one another about the challenges facing democracy, and working together on the strategies needed to overcome them.

It’s in our power to build a bright future!

Blue Independence shapes a collaborative, popular vision for model democratic institutions, works with state and local leaders to reform their governments and constitutions, and provides research and resources to citizens advocating for self-government.